24 by Hiba Al-Ahmadi

Hiba Al-Ahmadi

In a time of fast paced life.
Fast paced fashion. Fast food. Fast flickering images
I wonder if our memories will fast forward too.
Memories that paint a smile on our faces, and memories we'd rather swallow Might and fright entwined
I am a product of accumulated memories
I see the sun reflecting in gold, and remember my father
I remember a man who worked with his hands
A man who taught a generation the art of smithing gold,
Across countries, across cultures
Razzaq Al-Ahmadi is a hefty name
He is a legend, I am told
For I was too young to comprehend what I had lost
Now, years wiser, I remember the spark in his eyes
The gold in his palms
I too see the glimmer, Baba
I carry your name like a crown on my head
My name is Hiba Al-Ahmadi, emphasis on Ahmadi
And this is my family legacy